Clerance Sale Ramadan with Haquhara
Semua produk, pasti lebih hemat 50% dan tanpa syarat.
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Hanya di 14 Maret 2025 - sampai sold out, kamu bisa mendapatkan beragam produk Haquhara dengan lebih hemat!

Haqupedia Story

5 Jurusan Kuliah yang Memiliki Peluang Karier Menjadi Makeup Artist
Makeup artist kini sudah menjadi impian dari banyak orang yang memiliki memiliki minat dan bakat dalam seni merias wajah. Namun, tidak jarang sebagian orang bertanya-tanya, apakah ada jurusan kulia...

Anti-Fail! Here Are 7 Tips for Korean Style Glass Skin Make-Up
The increasingly varied makeup trends show that creativity never has limits. The presence of various makeup looks is clear proof of this. For example, one of the makeup looks that is currently popu...

Easy! Here Are Tips For Cleaning Smeared Make-Up
Do you agree or not, that the make-up process doesn't always go smoothly, there are times when we are faced with obstacles in the middle of the make-up process. In fact, this happens not only in ev...