
4 Ways to Determine the Price List for Beginner MUA's

4 Cara Menentukan Price List untuk MUA Pemula

Starting your journey as a makeup artist cannot be underestimated. There are many things that must be prepared, starting from materials, physical, and also skills. Despite the amount of preparation, growing up, becoming a makeup artist can be a promising business opportunity. Therefore, it is not uncommon for those who want to start their journey as a makeup artist.

As mentioned previously, as a beginner makeup artist you have to prepare and consider many things, one of which is determining a makeup price list . This is a crucial moment for beginner makeup artists, therefore, below, MinQu shares 4 tips that you can use in determining the price list for beginner MUAs.

1. Understand the quality and experience of your makeup

Before setting a price list , what you have to do is understand the quality and experience of your makeup. Evaluate your makeup skills first, and it would be better if you ask for testimonials from people who have used your services. After that, consider the extent of your makeup skills based on experience, certification and client assessments. This will certainly make it easier for you to determine the makeup price list .

2. Conduct a market survey

The next tip is to conduct a market survey. This will make it easier for you to determine the price list . To do this, do a survey to understand the standard rates usually offered by makeup artists in your area of ​​residence with similar skills. After that, you only need to determine whether you want to choose premium pricing (setting a relatively high price if the target is upper level) or low-rate pricing (setting a relatively low price as a form of promotion). But, remember, Haqu Squad in determining premium or low-rate prices must also be adjusted to the makeup skills you have.

3. Take into account other costs

Apart from considering your skills and the makeup products you use, determining the price list also requires considering other costs such as transportation, hairdo/hijab stylist, and other operational costs. This can help you to still be able to get an appropriate income from the makeup services provided.

4. Avoid setting prices that damage the market

You should avoid this last tip, namely setting a price that is very lower than the standard rates that other MUAs usually offer. Apart from damaging market prices, it is also feared that using this technique will result in low or even minus income. Apart from that, applying very low prices can have an impact on the difficulty of upgrading prices because the initial tariff is very low.

Those are 4 tips that you can apply in determining a makeup price list . Now you don't need to be confused about determining the price of makeup, just follow the tips above and work as a professional makeup artist! Good luck, Haqu Squad!

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